Event Details

Blue Element 2018

Blue Element 2018

World record status
Start date: 2018-11-23
End date: 2018-11-30
Location: Soufriere Bay, Soufriere, Dominica
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Jonathan Sunnex
Additional info: Onsite emergency paramedic, Evac boat and vehicle Nearest hospital 30mins by car in the capital city of Roseau Nearest hyperbaric chamber 2 hours by boat in Martinique
Disciplines: CWT CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: 6-8 highly skilled and experienced individuals
Safety plan: In the event of an incident we have a specialist safety team on standby. This includes the medic and experienced safety divers who have been trained in dealing with dive issues such as respiratory arrest, lung barotrauma and hypoxic black out. The team will have equipment including AED, electronic suction device, bag valve mask and 100% oxygen. In the event of an incident occurring that cannot be dealt with by the safety team on location, evacuation will take place and the victim will first be transported by boat to the entry point on shore and then transported by vehicle to the Princess Margaret hospital located approximately 30 mins away. Sufficient oxygen will be available to accompany the victim en-route to the hospital. Nearest DAN approved Hyperbaric chamber located in Martinique.
Maximum depth: -
Main Judge: Carla Hanson
Other Jury Members: Robert King, Francesca Koe
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -