Event Details

Blue Element 2016

Blue Element 2016

Start date: 2016-11-02
End date: 2016-11-12
Location: Scotts Head/Soufriere Bay, Soufriere, Dominica
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Jonathan Sunnex
Additional info: AIDA Judge course to be run in conjunction
Disciplines: CWT CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: Chief of Safety/Co-organisor Vertical Blue 2014-2016 Co-Chief of Safety Big Blue 2015
Safety plan: Blue Element 2016 Safety Proposal Key Personal COS- Jonathan Sunnex Platform- Louisa Collyns Medic- Juani Valdivia Judges- Carla Hansen, Mario Zuzic Safety Aspects -Professional Safety Team -5 Experience safety divers trained in EFR, and in particular EFR to dive related incidents (All safety divers trained to assist Medic) -1 Medic, Neuro surgeon and freediving related injury specialist Juani Valdivia -Counter ballast system in case of any deep incidents below safety diver range -Sonar to monitor athlete and safety divers -Well equipped medical supplies and equipment(see inventory) -Portable AED on site and ready -Emergency O2 on site and ready -Evacuation boat on Standby -Evacuation vehicle on Standby -Nearest hyperbaric chamber Princess Margaret Hospital, Roseau(approx. 30 mins drive) -Evacuation Plan created and approved Safety Protocol How the Safety team will be Run -Pre-comp Safety meeting, all crew brought up to speed with logistics, protocols, evac. plans, additional training provided by Medical staff -Pre-comp Safety drills(in-water and dry) to be run by all Safety/Medical crew -Evacuation route to be tested and timed by organisors -Daily morning briefings to take place, weather conditions, (any additional)hazards identified, discussion of divers and announced performances, start positions of crew -Emergency drill/s to be performed at least once per set to keep team sharp, in water and/or dry. -End of day meetings to take place, discuss days events, what went right, what can be improved. Check video footage and analyze any incidents, however minor. Strive for improvement, aim for perfection. -Two diver system to be employed by Safety divers. Primary safety to meet at 1/3 of divers depth up to a maximum of 40m, minimum of 20m or as requested by the athlete. Secondary safety 10m less than primary, minimum of 15m. Grouper call from safety when meeting the athlete, unless otherwise requested. Primary and Secondary rotate each dive, fresh safety divers each set. Safety Diver Pre-requisites My safety team will be selected by COS(myself) based on previous personal experience with the safety diver, either from previous competition/s or from past attendance of one of my camps or courses. They will undergo further training with myself and the medic prior to the competition and the following exercises will be completed. -40m CWT with bi-fins(mono or bi-fin technique permitted) -30m rescue -Stamina test(30m dive, hang 20 seconds, surface for maximum surface interval 30 seconds, 20m team rescue) -C/B release test drill -Various U/W and surface drills, based off of real life scenarios, with as many 'out of the ordinary' scenarios played out as possible Best Prevention of Incidents -Medicals required by all athletes. Liability releases, List of Personal bests -Pre-comp qualifying, athletes can add only a maximum of 5m on each discipline to what they have have validated by safety team during training/qualification round. -Post dive(within 20 mins) all athletes to check SPO2, HR. If SPO2 below 95% and HR above 110 bpm, athlete to be rechecked 20 mins later. If same results, divers next dive up to approval of medical/safety team. -If athlete has an incident on any dives, must be cleared to dive by medical team before next dive can take place. -Divers lanyard to be checked and approved by judges. In Case of Incident Occurring -Incidents on or near surface dealt with by safety divers(eg, Blackout, LMC, Lanyard comes detached during decent). -Diver monitored by depth sounder, in case where athlete stops at one depth for more than 5 seconds, if they try to recommence decent CB to be activated. -If athlete remains stationary for more than 10 seconds during ascent, CB to be activated. Additional ten minutes added to proceeding dives OT. -Safety divers to meet divers at depths of up to a maximum of 40m. For incidents at depth safety within safety divers range, safety diver has two options. Take hold of diver and swim to the surface or take hold of the diver and take hold of dive line. Emergency signal sent to surface by shaking of rope by second safety, CB to be released bringing all divers to the surface. -For incidents below safety diver range CB to be deployed. -Once upon surface or in all surface incidents, safety divers will be first to respond with BTT, rescue breaths for up to 4 cycles. Any further treatment will be continued on the platform in correspondence with the medic. -Medic will be set up and ready to go before any diving will take place, proceeding dives will be delayed if necessary in order to deal with situation and be setup to continue. With the medical supplies and highly trained staff on site, evacuation is a final resort. Evacuation plan will be updated as soon as I have had time to speak with the relevant people and have all of the relevant information. EQUIPMENT LIST AS USED IN VB 2014, VB2015, VB2016, RETURN TO THE DEEP 2016 PLATFORM EQUIPMENT LIST: IN ORDER FROM LEFT TO RIGHT ON PLATFORM SIDE FOR MEDIC: 1. O2 E CYLINDER WITH O2 DEMAND REGULATOR 2. DAN BAG WITH O2 JD CYLINDER, O2 FLOW REGULATOR, BAG VALVE MASK, ORAL PHAYNGEAL AIRWAY, TRAUMA SHEARS 3. MECHANICAL SUCTION DEVICE 4. AED/MONITOR (ZOLL M SERIES AED/DEFIBRILLATOR) 5. *ADVANCED AIRWAY/MEDICAL BAG 6. BACKBOARD *ADVANCED AIRWAY/MEDICAL BAG FOR ALS PERSONNEL: R.N., M.D., PARAMEDIC: 1. LMA 2. IV START KIT/NS FLUSH 3. 500 CC NS/10 gtt TUBING 4. EPINEPHRINE CARPUJET 1;10,000 X 4 5. 10 CC NS PREFILLED SYRINGE FOR IV PUSH THIS LIST IS NOT ALL INCLUSIVE. OTHER ITEMS THAT ARE PREFERRED ARE PARTICULAR TO THE NEEDS AND VENUE AT VERTICAL BLUE.
Maximum depth: 140m
Main Judge: Mario Zuzic
Other Jury Members: Carla Hanson
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -