Applications for Executive Officer Positions - 2024/2025 Mandate

Published: 01/09/2023

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Applications are open for the 2024-2025 mandate for the following Executive Officer positions:
  • AIDA President
  • AIDA Education Officer
  • AIDA Technical Officer
Interested applicants can send their resume & cover letter to for review.
Deadline: 24 September 2023 at 23:00 UTC/GMT

 Common Requirements:

  1. The ability to perform duties on volunteering terms
  2. Knowledge of AIDA Rules & Statutes.
  3. Familiarity with recent trends for Freediving studies (mainly for Education Officers)
  4. Fluency in English as he/she will be working in an international community & any other language is a plus
  5. Good experience with AIDA Competition Rules & Safety procedures (mainly for Technical Officers)
Below are the duties and responsibilities for each role according to the AIDA Statutes: President.
The President shall be responsible for leading the Executive Board, representing the Executive Board at meetings of the Assembly, and leading meetings of the Executive Board and Assembly (though the President has no vote at the Assembly). The President shall also be the primary contact with outside organizations, except to the extent that such role is delegated to another person or persons by the Assembly, these Statutes, or the President. The President (or the Vice-President or Secretary, to whom the President may delegate such role) shall deliver periodic activity reports to the Members highlighting major matters with respect to AIDA; such reports shall be made not less than quarterly.
All applications (resume & cover letter) for the role of AIDA President will be presented to the AIDA Assembly for a vote. Technical Officer.

The Technical Officer shall be the Officer primarily responsible for matters relating to competition rules and safety and shall be the Chairman of the Technical Committee.

11.4.1 The Technical Committee shall maintain and update all rules and technical and safety standards for AIDA(other than those relating to educational courses, which shall be managed by the Education Committee; the Technical Committee and Education Committee shall meet periodically to identify and resolve any inconsistencies in safety standards). The Technical Committee shall refer any cases of potential material breaches of AIDA rules or standards to the Disciplinary Committee. Education Officer.

The AIDA Education Officer shall chair the Education Committee, whose roles are defined later in this document. The Education officer will be responsible for all matters relating to Instructor renewals, updates or additions to the AIDA Course Material, translations of said course material, publication of course materials, the maintenance of the Education Online System, communication with the current active instructors, the promotion of instructors to Master Instructors and Instructor Trainer, the current membership of the education committee, the quality assurance of the education system and its instructors, and the annual Education budgeting request.

11.3.1 The Education Committee shall maintain and update all course materials, requirements, forms and other documents relating to AIDA educational courses (other than those relating to judges, which shall be managed by the Judge Responsible in coordination with the Sport Officer). The Education Committee shall refer to proposed changes to AIDA’s educational course structure and fees relating to educational courses to the Executive Board for approval.


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