Event Details

AIDA Freediving Utrecht Pool Contest

AIDA Freediving Utrecht Pool Contest

Start date: 2024-06-29
End date: 2024-06-29
Location: Zwembad Dijnselburg, Zeist, Netherlands
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Mark Westerbeek
Additional info: -
Disciplines: DYNB DYN DNF STA
Safety Qualifications: Not all safeties known yet. At least one safety (head safety for the competition) will have followed the AIDA Safety Diver course. Other safety divers will have at least AIDA 2 level, preferably AIDA 3 level or similar. Specific safety qualficiations to be announced when known.

For STA discipline one safety will be present per competition lane (3 lanes in total) and one safety will supervise the warm-up area. A 5th safety is available out side of the pool to provide assistance in case an athlete needs to be lifted from the pool.
DYN, DYNB and DNF will take place in 2 separate competition lanes, situated on the outside edge of the pool. These disciplines will be supervised by 5 safeties: for each competition lane one safety will be in the water with the athlete and one safety will be walking with the athlete alongside the lane (together with judge and camera operator). One safety will supervise the warm-up area of the pool.
In case of underwater black-out the swimming safety will bring athlete to the surface and side of the pool (only lanes adjacent to the pool edge will be used during competition). As long as athlete is unconscious and underwater focus should be on protection of the airways by closing the mouth. When athlete is brought to the surface and side of the pool, the safety outside the pool will help with removal of neck weight and if necessary also nose clips, goggles and/or mask. Next blow-tap-talk procedure is performed to try to bring the athlete back to consciousness. In case an underwater black-occurs, the event medic will join the safeties with oxygen-set.

In case the athlete has not regained consciousness within 15 seconds the safety outside the pool calls for the event medic in case the medic is not yet present. The safety outside of the pool helps the swimming safety to bring the athlete out of the water (possibly assisted by judge). Medic will than take charge and decide to provide oxygen or not. If athlete regains consciousness oxygen will be provided according to medic’s assessment.
If athlete does not regain consciousness or in case of other injuries requiring further medical attention the safety outside of the pool will alert emergency services (dial 112). The location (Zwembad Dijnselburg, Badmeester Schenkpad 8, 3705 GK Zeist) and situation will be provided using the MIST-protocol (Mechanism of injury, Injuries found. Suspected signs ,Treatment given). Also mention the location is 8km from the nearest hospital (UMC Utrecht). In consultation with emergency services decide whether to await arrival of an ambulance or drive to hospital. In case an ambulance will be driving to the pool someone will be waiting for the ambulance outside and direct medical personnel to the correct location to prevent losing time.
Simultaneously with alerting emergency services, an AED will be available and used according to medic’s assessment.

After this procedure judge(s) and attending medic will discuss if competition can continue.

In the week prior to the competition a training session for safeties and medic will be organized. During this session all safety instructions and protocols will be instructed and discussed in preparation of the competition.

Emergency phone nr.: 112

Location & address of competition location:
Zwembad Dijnselburg
Badmeester Schenkpad 8
3705 GK Zeist

Nearest hospital (8km, ±10 minutes by car)
Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht,
Spoedeisende Hulp (Emergency Room)
Hoofddijk 23
Receptie 1 (niveau 0), locatie UMC Utrecht
Phone: 088 75 666 66
Pool size: 25m
Maximum pool depth: 3.65m
Minimum pool depth: 1.4m
Main Judge: Peter Ronkes
Other Jury Members: Esmiralda Losse, Sander Van Bokhoven
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -