Event Details

Liquid: Washington Pool Freediving Competition

Liquid: Washington Pool Freediving Competition

Start date: 2024-05-25
End date: 2024-05-25
Location: Covington Aquatic Center, Covington, United States
Event Type: Pool Competition
Additional info: -
Disciplines: STA DNF DYN DYNB
Safety Qualifications: Virginia Mason Clinic Hyperbaric chamber is 44 minutes away in case of a major apnea emergency. Valley Medical Center a level one trauma center is 18 minutes away in case of a non-apnea related injury. The pool is equipped with ladders and emergency equipment.
Safety plan: We will handle all injuries that fall within our scope of care on-site. If an emergency presents itself that falls outside of our scope of care we have all numbers to emergency personnel within the emergency document. You can find a copy with the medic, judges, and organizer. Injuries must be reported to our medic \``Leigh Baker\`` or to me \``Christopher Rasschaert\``.
Pool size: 22m
Maximum pool depth: 3.6m
Minimum pool depth: 1.5m
Main Judge: Roberta Cenedese
Other Jury Members: Matthew Townsend
Assistant Judges: -