Event Details

AIDA FlowSession Backyard 03.STA

AIDA FlowSession Backyard 03.STA

Start date: 2023-09-30
End date: 2023-09-30
Location: Biały Kmień 1, Warszawa, Poland
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Maciej Liese
Additional info: -
Disciplines: STA
Safety Qualifications: two experienced safeties
Safety plan: simply way to the MSWiA Hospital (1,6km)
Pool size: 3m
Maximum pool depth: 1.2m
Minimum pool depth: 1.2m
Main Judge: Lucyna Kicińska
Other Jury Members: Daniel Losinski
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -