Event Details

ManuMano AIDA Mini Pool Competition

ManuMano AIDA Mini Pool Competition

Start date: 2023-09-17
End date: 2023-09-17
Location: Lawom Pool Center, Mabini, Batangas, Philippines
Event Type: Pool Competition
Additional info: -
Disciplines: DYNB DYN DNF STA
Safety Qualifications: Safety are AIDA 3 / Instructor equivalents who have undergone the AIDA Pool Competition Safety. It will be a mix between experienced safety and first timers.
Safety plan: An evac vehicle will be on stanby 10m from the pool. Mabini General Hospital is 9.6km away (15 min drive) from the pool venue.
Pool size: 25m
Maximum pool depth: 1.8m
Minimum pool depth: 1.7m
Main Judge: Bryant Catbagan
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -