Event Details

Pakostane depth challenge 23

Pakostane depth challenge 23

Start date: 2023-07-01
End date: 2023-07-02
Location: Pakoštane port, Pakoštane, Croatia
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Vitomir Maričić
Additional info: Venue: Pakoštane, Gangaro island (43°51´50´´N; 15°25´21´´E) Depth limit 80 meters or depending on the organizer on the day of the event. Send a confirmation of the registration fee paid All documentation sent before June 24, 2023. Documents, applications, questions, announcements, record announcements, payment confirmations, everything is submitted exclusively ONLINE at rk.nautilus.pakostane@gmail.com until June 24, 2023. - you get a confirmation from that address and all other data, schedules and changes. You only come on board to dive! Medals for the first 3 places in the individual men\`s and women\`s competition for the individual total placement obtained by summing up the overall results.  The registration fee is EUR 100 per competitor. It is paid to the account of the host of the Diving Club NAUTILUS at no. account: IBAN: HR7124020061100660854 Payments can be made to the account, and in the payment description it is important to write START FEE + NAME and LAST NAME of the competitor for whom the registration fee is paid or the payment is made during verification. RK NAUTILUS as organizer and host, including all individuals participating in organization of the competition, remove any responsibility for damage that may arise from this competitions. All competitors are obliged to familiarize themselves with the propositions and regulations, they are responsible themselves evaluate their state of health and physical fitness and perform at their own risk which they confirm by signing the declaration of responsibility. Mjesto održavanja: Pakoštane, otok Gangaro (43°51´50´´N; 15°25´21´´E) Dubinski limit 80 metara ili ovisno o organizatoru na dan događanja. Poslati potvrdu o uplaćenoj kotizaciji Poslana sva dokumentacija prije 24.06.2023. Dokumenti, prijave, pitanja, najave, najave rekorda, potvrde uplate, sve se podnosi isključivo ONLINE na rk.nautilus.pakostane@gmail.com do 24.06.2023. – s te adrese dobivate potvrdu i sve druge podatke, rasporede i promjene. Na brod se dolazi samo roniti! Medalje za prva 3 mjesta u pojedinačnoj muškoj i ženskoj konkurenciji za ukupan pojedinačni plasman dobiven zbrajanjem sveukupnih rezultata.  Kotizacija Iznosi 100 EUR po natjecatelju. Plaća se na račun domaćina Ronilačkog kluba NAUTILUS na br. računa: IBAN: HR7124020061100660854 Uplate se mogu izvršiti na račun, a u opis plaćanja važno je upisati STARTNINA + IME i PREZIME natjecatelja za kojeg se plaća kotizacija ili izvršiti uplatu pri verifikaciji. RK NAUTILUS kao organizator i domaćin, uključujući i sve pojedince koji sudjeluju u organizaciji natjecanja, otklanjaju svaku odgovornost za štetu koja može proizaći iz ovog natjecanja. Svi natjecatelji dužni su upoznati se s propozicijama i pravilnikom, dužni su sami procijeniti svoje zdravstveno stanje i fizičku kondiciju te nastupaju na vlastitu odgovornost što potvrđuju potpisom na izjavi o odgovornosti.
Disciplines: CWT CWTB CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: Adriatic freediving safety team chief
Safety plan: Strandard safety procedures
Maximum depth: 80m
Main Judge: Petar Klovar
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -