Event Details

AIDA Crystal Clear Water Competition

AIDA Crystal Clear Water Competition

Start date: 2023-08-15
End date: 2023-08-19
Location: Lake Hancza, Błaskowizna, Poland
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Marcin Baranowski
Additional info: There will be four start days with one day off. Athletes are free to choose any discipline they like every day. Water temperature on the surface 22-24C, sharp thermocline starts at 7-8m. Event website: www.facebook.com/events/187405174006456, please contact marcin(at)freedivingpoland.org.pl for further details.
Disciplines: CWT CWTB CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: Four experienced safety divers (there will be only one dive line).
Safety plan: Sonar and in-water counterweight system installed on the diving platform. Fully equipped (including oxygen and AED) medic and paramedic present on boat at the dive site (10 min from shore). Emergency car at standby (30 min to the nearest hospital).
Maximum depth: 90m
Main Judge: Lucyna Kicińska
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -