Event Details

AIDA Suovilla Static Challenge 2023 1/2

AIDA Suovilla Static Challenge 2023 1/2

Start date: 2023-01-21
End date: 2023-01-21
Location: Private pool Orimattila, Orimattila, Finland
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Janita Kulkula
Additional info: -
Disciplines: STA
Safety Qualifications: - Professional medical correspondant present on site
- Educated and experienced safety divers (2) in pool
- One performance at the time
Safety plan: Safety divers Ossi Söderholm and Helmi Jokinen in water to perform diver recovery and to bring diver to poolside and perform BTT. Licensed health care practitioner Jani Luoma at poolside available to perform rescue breaths&CPR if needed. In case diver is still unconscious after 1 min an emergency evacuation plan will be activated. Oxygen and First Aid Equipment on site as well as a stand-by transportation to the nearest hospital.
Pool size: 12m
Maximum pool depth: 1.4m
Minimum pool depth: 1.4m
Main Judge: Aki Myllynen
Other Jury Members: Arto Tuomainen
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -