Event Details

AIDA Deep Dream SoloApnea Static Championship

AIDA Deep Dream SoloApnea Static Championship

Start date: 2022-11-13
End date: 2022-11-13
Location: Huechuraba, Santiago, Chile
Event Type: Pool Competition
Additional info: -
Disciplines: STA
Safety Qualifications: Ambulance with DEA and advanced airways management equipment Medic Staff with ER Doctor, paramedic or nurse 3 Safety Freedivers
Safety plan: 1. All performances are watched by 2 safety freedivers in the water and a safety coordinator outside water. 2. Safety signes are requested from judges to competitors as AIDA rules demands. 3. If the result of performance is BO, first 10 seconds the athlete will be treated in water with blow talk procedure 4. If Athlete awakes in that time, he will be treated with O2 and will have medic diagnosis procedure. 5. If athelete dont answer in that procedure, will be removed from the water with spine table, and delivered to the medic team. 6. They will manage airways with positive O2 AMBU mask. DEA and CPR evaluation will start if O2 dont make reaction. 7. DEA and CPR will be delivered to the Athlete and evacuation procedure is activated if the athete does not answer satisfactory. 8. All athletes must show AIDA medic questionaire
Pool size: 10m
Maximum pool depth: 1.4m
Minimum pool depth: 1.4m
Main Judge: Osvaldo Rodriguez
Other Jury Members: Daniel Arias Cordova
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -