Event Details

AIDA coupe du NUC - national comp

AIDA coupe du NUC - national comp

Start date: 2023-02-18
End date: 2023-02-18
Location: Piscine universitaire, Nice, France
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Claude Chapuis
Additional info: -
Disciplines: DYNB DYN DNF STA
Safety Qualifications: 14 safety freedivers, being certified for swimming rescue by the sport ministry or the sport university. Some of them in addition being also AIDA 3 or AIDA 4 certified and having been trained for this specific event
Safety plan: Respect of the safety plan required by the french law. Safety plan posted in 4 different places around the pool. 2 oxygen therapy equipment and 2 persons in charge of this equipment. In case of a problem, the athletes is carried to the specific rescue room situated around the pool. In case of a big problem, call to the firemen which are situated 3/4\\\\\\\\` max from the pool. Evacuation only on the ask of the doctor. 14 safety freedivers, being certified for swimming rescue by the sport ministry or the sport university. Some of them in addition being also AIDA 3 or AIDA 4 certified and having been trained for this specific event 
Pool size: 25m
Maximum pool depth: 3m
Minimum pool depth: 2m
Main Judge: Julien Alias
Assistant Judges: Michael Regan
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -