Event Details

WR Attempt

WR Attempt

World record status
Start date: 2022-10-22
End date: 2022-10-31
Location: Dean\`s Blue Hole, Long Island, Bahamas
Event Type: Worldrecord attempt
Organizer: William Trubridge
Additional info: -
Disciplines: FIM
Safety Qualifications: 3 safety freedivers
1 safety scuba diver at 60m
Qualifiied medic (Jani Valdivia)
On site O2, AED, suction, other medical supplies
Safety plan: As for VB events
Depth monitoring by sonar, 3 safety freedivers, 1 safety scuba, 1 medic
All medical supplies (O2, AED, Suction, meds) will be on site.
DCS will be treated first by IWR, if no resolution then evacuation to chamber in Nassau/Miami.
Maximum depth: 140m
Pool size: -
Maximum pool depth: -
Minimum pool depth: -
Main Judge: Savva Savvas
Other Jury Members: Daniel Arias Cordova
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -