Event Details

AIDA NoxyCup Hungarian Open Indoor freediving Championship

AIDA NoxyCup Hungarian Open Indoor freediving Championship

Start date: 2021-10-30
End date: 2021-10-31
Location: Alfréd Hajós National Swimming Stadium, Budapest, Hungary
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Vitomir Maričić
Additional info: Hungarian Open Indoor Apnea Championship Information for athletes (2021) 1. Aim of the competition The aim of the competition is to promote competitive indoor apnea. The event will serve as an opportunity for national and international qualification and ranking of athletes. 2. Date and place of the competition Alfréd Hajós National Swimming Stadium 1138 Budapest, Margitsziget 23800 30-31 October 2021 (Sat & Sun) 3. Organizer - nOxygen Apnea Club - Hungarian Diving Federation 4. Jury - AIDA judges 5. Athletes Athletes must comply to following criteria to be able to compete: - registered athlete or certified (minimum level 1 of any international certification) - has a valid (not older than 1 year) medical certificate - at least 14 years old - fully completed registration by the registration deadline 6. Registration Registration is possible via email to noxygenapneaclub@gmail.com or via the following link: https://8zu8jtm2grk.typeform.com/to/L2tSdU5N In case of registration via email the following data must be included as a minimum: - Full name - Date of birth - Contact details: email and phone number - Disciplines that the athlete would like to compete in and the announcements for each disciplines of any or all of the following options: - Static apnea (STA) - Dynamic apnea without fins (DNF) - Dynamic apnea with fins (DYN) - Dynamic apnea with bi-fins (DYNB) - Copy of the valid medical certificate Additional information: - Registration start: 17th of September - Registration end: 25th of October - Limited spots available on a first come first serve basis (maximum of 30 spots) - The registration is complete when the athlete receives written confirmation via email - Incomplete registrations are invalid - The organizer reserves the right to decline registration once the spots have been filled - The organizer will refund the entry fee in case of invalid registration without any delays 7. Entry fee The entry fee is 50 EUR or 18.000 HUF The full amount is to be transferred to: nOxygen Apnea Club Egyesület bank account (HU): 12100011-17664576 (Gránit Bank) SWIFT code: GNBAHUHB IBAN: HU32121000111766457600000000 description: Donation Please note that amounts paid with wrong description will be refunded 8. General Terms & Conditions a) The competition will follow AIDA protocols. b) Athletes must use equipment for warm up and competition in accordance with the competition rules. c) Athletes take part in the competition at their own risk. 9. Organizational details a) The competition for each discipline will be conducted for both sexes at the same time (female and male) b) Warm-up time (WT) and official top (OT) will be defined based on the announced performance. c) Announcement per discipline shall be made at registration. d) Static apnea will take place in a shallow indoor pool with warm water. e) Dynamic apnea without fins will take place in a 25 m poo. f) Dynamic apena with fins and bi-fins will take place in a 50 m poo. 10. Ranking, prizes The competition will be ranked separately for male and female performances. The ranking will be separate for each discipline as well as there will be national ranking for Hungary and international ranking for all of the athletes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. 11. Disciplines Female: ▪ Static apnea (STA) ▪ Dynamic apnea without fins (DNF) ▪ Dynamic apnea with fins (DYN) ▪ Dynamic apnea with bi-fins (DYNB) Male: ▪ Static apnea (STA) ▪ Dynamic apnea without fins (DNF) ▪ Dynamic apnea with fins (DYN) ▪ Dynamic apnea with bi-fins (DYNB) 12. Competition schedule COMPETITION SCHEDULE 30 October 2021 (Saturday) 07.00 - 07.30 Registration 07.45 - 08.15 Opening 08.30 - 11.30 Static apnea (STA) 11.30 – 12.30 break 12.30 – 14.30 Dynamic apnea without fins (DNF) 31 October 2021 (Sunday) 07.30 - 08.00 Registration 08.30 - 11.30 Dynamic apnea with monofin and bifins (DYN/DYNB) 12.30 Award ceremony 13. Protest Protest is possible for up until 30 minutes after the announcements of preliminary results. The fee is 50,-EUR that will be refunded in case of successful protest. The protest will be judged by the judges. 14. Costs The cost of the competition itself (including the pool rental, fee of judges, safety, medical staff and the prizes) is covered by the organizers. Athletes must cover their own expenses such as travel, food and accommodation. Athletes and coaches may enter the competition area free of charge after successful registration. 15. Equipment Athletes must use competition rule compliant equipment and are accountable for the condition of the equipment used in the competition. 16. Other a) The organizer reserves the right to any changes and will inform all athletes in due time. Extension due the COVID-19 pandemic Only healthy athletes, coaches, team managers, organizers and volunteers may participate in the event. We ask you to adhere to the following guidance: ● Before entering the pool area, you must submit to a body temperature measurement. Admission will be declined in case the temperature is higher than 37.8°C. ● Usage of hand sanitizers and proper hand washing technique should be regularly practiced during the event. ● Aim to keep a social distance of 1.5-2 meters, especially in the preparation zone of the competition, in the lockers rooms and toilettes. ● Only drink from bottles ● Hand shakes are not recommended ● It is recommended that you only use your own equipment ● In case of any dispute, the recommendations of the pool operator should be followed For further inquiries please contact: Dr. László Bacskó nOxygen Apnea Club Egyesület (+36 30) 300 1354 e-mail: noxygenapneaclub@gmail.com
Disciplines: DYNB DYN DNF STA
Safety Qualifications: qualified safety team and lifeguards
Safety plan: Standard safety plan for competition with ERU on standby
Pool size: 50m
Maximum pool depth: 2.2m
Minimum pool depth: 1.2m
Main Judge: Vitomir Maričić
Other Jury Members: Mateja Radulovic, Lidija Lijic
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -