Event Details

5th Korea Cup 2021 AIDA Depth Competition

5th Korea Cup 2021 AIDA Depth Competition

Start date: 2021-10-29
End date: 2021-10-31
Location: Dper Freedive, Jeju, Seogwipo, Republic of Korea
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Bongjae(Jeff) Kim
Additional info: -
Disciplines: CWT CWTB CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: All of the 10 Safeties are a higher level of AIDA Instructor and certified AIDA Competition Safety course before the competition.
Safety plan: 2 On-boat counter ballast systems, 3 safeties on each competition line. 3 safeties on the warm-up zone. Doctor and nurse (with all equipment) on boat, Rescue and decompression oxygen (surface only)
Maximum depth: 70m
Main Judge: Bongjae(Jeff) Kim
Other Jury Members: Jaehwan Lee, Hakbeom Kim
Assistant Judges: Minkyu Sung
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -