Event Details

AIDA Blue Ocean Pool Comp - Celebration of Solar Panels

AIDA Blue Ocean Pool Comp - Celebration of Solar Panels

Start date: 2020-12-07
End date: 2020-12-09
Location: Blueocean Freedivers, Dahab, Egypt
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Catherine Crossland
Additional info: -
Disciplines: STA DNF DYN DYNB
Safety Qualifications: AIDA Instructors with FEMR qualification
Safety plan: Full Medic Kit at the pool, car on standby to nearest hospital approx 15 mins away
Pool size: 30m
Maximum pool depth: 2m
Minimum pool depth: 2m
Main Judge: Catherine Crossland
Other Jury Members: Pim Vermeulen
Assistant Judges: Susanne Nather, Raphael Vilamiu