Event Details

AIDA Triton Cup Reloaded (WR Status)

AIDA Triton Cup Reloaded (WR Status)

World record status
Start date: 2020-09-18
End date: 2020-09-23
Location: Calm Zone, Kalamata, Greece
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Stavros Kastrinakis
Additional info: -
Disciplines: CWT CWTB CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: Safety team and Stavros Kastrinakis organizer of AIDA World Championships 2011,2013 & 2016
Safety plan: Medical coverage - The medical coverage of the event will be by the Hellenic Rescue Team (Messinia Branch) in cooperation with the Kalamata General Hospital and EKAB (Hellenic Centre for Emergency Assistance) which will provide ambulance and medical staff for immediate patient transfer to the hospital in case of a problem. The Hellenic Rescue Team marine EMTs specialists will be on location at the dive site to provide initial medical support in case of emergency. The event boats will be staffed rescuers / lifeguards with knowledge of diving medicine and extensive experience in free diving. In addition to the Kalamata General Hospital, we are in contact with the Hyperbaric Chamber of the Athens Navy Hospital in case of a problem requiring hyperbaric treatment. Safety Equipment This AIDA depth competition is run using 3 boats of 8m and 6m with a total allowance for passengers of 20 people. All boats will have the statutory safety equipment and First Aid equipment to act as emergency craft (oxygen delivery devices and fully stocked first-aid kits). In the event of an incident during the dive, it is possible to lift the diver to the surface by lifting the entire diving rope. The progress of each dive is controlled by a sonar system that exist on the boat as well as safety freedivers in the water, which give the diver real time information. Emergency procedure In the event of an accident, the victim will be transported back to shore using the evacuation ribs with a rescuer of the safety team performing First Aid and will be transferred to the Kalamata Marina (6min boat trip) where an ambulance will be waiting with medical staff to get transported to the GH Kalamata. Oxygen and first aid to the victim will be provided during the transfer.
Maximum depth: 165m
Main Judge: Savva Savvas
Other Jury Members: Dimitris Koumoulos, David Tranfield
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -