Event Details

Authentic Big Blue

Authentic Big Blue

World record status
Start date: 2017-09-18
End date: 2017-09-24
Location: Amorgos Island, Amorgos, Greece
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Dimitris Koumoulos
Additional info: -
Disciplines: CWT CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: 3 experienced safety divers / competition line Safety diver for each warm- up line 1 doctor on the platform 2 paramedics on evacuation boat Counter ballast system capable for 2+m/s assisted ascent . 1 fast evacuation boat capable of the beach in 3 minutes 1 fully equipped ambulance on standby with 7-8 minute drive to Amorgos medical center. High resolution sonar on platform
Safety plan: Evacuation boat needs less than 3 minutes to Agia Anna beach , and from there 7-8 minutes with ambulance to the medical center of Amorgos. Doctor on platform and 2 medics on the evacuation boat. Medical O2 on platform and on the evacuation boat.
Maximum depth: -
Main Judge: Petar Bojović
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -