Event Details

Swiss Championship Lake 2019

Swiss Championship Lake 2019

Start date: 2019-08-24
End date: 2019-08-24
Location: Beach Herrliberg, Herrliberg near Zurich, Switzerland
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Marco Melileo
Additional info: 70 m from the beach of Herrliberg
2 disciplines on the same day (CTW and FIM)
Watertemp. 18 - 22 °C in surface / 6°C at -20 m to -75 m
Visibility: max 8 m
anchorad plattform 6 x 8 m accessible by shuttleboat or swim by yourself with counterballast-system
find the pictures here: https://www.susv.ch/de/sports/apnoe-freediving/resultate or here the
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO9aXtDvi2o or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwudT073OBc
12 mm thick rope / tags: 4 x 8 cm plexiglas with welcro (male)
inscriptionform: stifuk@gmail.com / marco.melileo@gmx.net / daniel@roettgermann.eu
Disciplines: CWTB FIM CWT
Safety Qualifications: Lanyard
Ambulance on Divesite
Safety plan: 2 emergency medical service on the plattform. Ambulance on the beach.
anchorad platform at 70 m from the beach
15 min from the Universitäts Spital Zürich, 10 min from the Spital Männedorf
Maximum depth: 75m
Main Judge: Marcello De Matteis
Other Jury Members: Marco Melileo
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -