Event Details

Weirdo Pool Competition

Weirdo Pool Competition

Start date: 2019-01-18
End date: 2019-01-18
Location: Deep Soul, LiuChiu Island, Chinese Taipei, Taiwan
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Fran Rose
Additional info: This is an official AIDA event so the Judge course participants from 1-5th January can obtain necessary comp experience to become certified judges.
Disciplines: DYNB DYN
Safety Qualifications: There will be 11 AIDA Instructors acting as safety for this comp.
Safety plan: Oxygen is available on site. Athletes will be taken from the water and assessed by lifeguard if necessary. Transportation by ambulance if necessary to nearest doctor on the island.
Pool size: 25m
Maximum pool depth: 1.8m
Minimum pool depth: 1.5m
Main Judge: Wayne Tu
Other Jury Members: -
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -