Event Details

Coupe du NUC

Coupe du NUC

Start date: 2018-12-15
End date: 2018-12-16
Location: Piscine Fielding, Nice, France
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Claude Chapuis
Additional info: 30 sport students specialized in freediving organize the competition in relation with the Nice University club, the "official" organizer for the french law
Disciplines: DYN DNF STA
Safety Qualifications: 10 freedivers for the safety in the water, teached and certified by the sport faculty of Nice and Claude Chapuis, Cedric palerme and Delphine Marleux. 2 persons certified for O2 use helped by 2 persons being firemen
Safety plan: In case of an incident, the doctor in relation with the organizer call the firemen station (telephone number "18") which is situated at 400m of the pool. 2 persons are in charge to wait the arrival of the firemen vehicle, open the door of the parking of the pool giving a direct access to pool. A medical room exists in the pool and is situated just near the door where the firemen arrive in case of an incident. There will be 2 different O2 equipment an done defibrillator in the pool. See also http://www.coupe.nucsub.eu/index.php/information/planinterieur 
Pool size: 25m
Maximum pool depth: 3m
Minimum pool depth: 1.8m
Main Judge: Cédric Palerme
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -