Event Details

Swiss Championship Lake 2018

Swiss Championship Lake 2018

Start date: 2018-08-25
End date: 2018-08-26
Location: , ,
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Marco Melileo
Additional info: Inscriptionform available: stifuk@gmail.com (Stefan Keller) Fon: +41793202646 or marco.melileo@gmx.net (Marco Melileo) Fon: +41794666030
Disciplines: CWT FIM
Safety Qualifications: -
Safety plan: http://medical-team-mutschellen.ch Ambulance on place, Transportation by boat (80m from the coast) 10 min to the Hospital USZ Universitäts Spital Zürich
Maximum depth: 75m
Main Judge: Marcello De Matteis
Other Jury Members: Marco Melileo
Assistant Judges: -
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -