Event Details

4e Épreuve ApneaCity: En Profondeur/Depth Diciplines

4e Épreuve ApneaCity: En Profondeur/Depth Diciplines

Start date: 2017-09-16
End date: 2017-09-17
Location: Flintkote Quarry, Thetford Mines, Canada
Event Type: Depth Competition
Organizer: Francois Leduc
Additional info: This will be a one day event where athletes will have a choice to pick the discipline of their choice between CWT, CNF or FIM.
Disciplines: CWT CNF FIM
Safety Qualifications: Safety Team Team member/Head of safety: Philippe Beauchamp Qualifications: • AIDA instructor (since 2011) • EFR Instructor • Member of the safety team for the 2009 AIDA World Depth Championships (Long Island, Bahamas) • Safety diver for Watermen Project (Revillagigedos expedition 2012-2016) • Responsible for safety for: o All CASM competitions since 2012 and ApneaCity competition o Club activities (Nuit de l'apnée, Freezedive, Conestoga wreck dive, Thousand Islands houseboat weekend...) Rest of team will be composed of experience safety freedivers in our community.
Safety plan: Emergency contact: Ambulance 911 ou 1-800-361-3010 Urgence médicale en plongée 1-888-835-7121 Service de médecine hyperbare, Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 418-835-7121 #3812 Cell. : 418-835-7214 Centre Hospitalier de Thetford-Mines 418-338-7777 Centre hospitalier Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis 418-835-7121 Sûreté du Québec 418-423-3151 In-water safety o Will be handled by the safety team o 2 team members/competitor o Blackout protocol calls for 5min on pure oxygen under supervision of safety coordinator/Medic • Out-of-water o Medic on site dedicated solely to the supervision of our event. They will be briefed by our head of safety so that they understand the conduct of proceedings of the event. o On land safety staff will be briefed in case of emergency so that they can provide support and directions for the paramedics. o In the event of a major emergency (unresponsive diver), the competitor will be transferred to the Safety coordinator/Medic who will initiate the emergency protocols (911, CPR…) 3. Equipment • Oxygen tank • AED • Spinal board • Pocket masks and first aid kit
Maximum depth: 90m
Main Judge: Francois Leduc
Other Jury Members: -
Assistant Judges: Guillaume Latzko-Toth
Performance Safeties: -
Warm-Up Safeties: -