Event Details

Rostov cup 2016

Rostov cup 2016

Start date: 2016-11-12
End date: 2016-11-13
Location: Swimming pool , Chaltir, Rostov region, Russian Federation
Event Type: Pool Competition
Organizer: Mario Zuzic
Additional info: Individual and team competition
Disciplines: STA DYN DNF
Safety Qualifications: Sergey Shirko - safety - 7 competitions, freediver, diver Alexander Shirko - safety - 5 competitions Maxim Kiriy - safety - 5 competitions, freediver, diver Georgiy Staroverov - safety - 3 competitions Georgiy Georgievskiy - safety - 2 competitions Vadim Gagalayan- safety - 2 competitions
Safety plan: 2 lines 2 safety folow freedivers, 2 safety stay in the water near each end of the line. Medic and assistents in the midle of the line
Pool size: 25m
Maximum pool depth: 4m
Minimum pool depth: 1.2m
Main Judge: Oxana Kiriy
Other Jury Members: Alexey Kisilev
Assistant Judges: -