Lim Junho
Republic of Korea
Pool: Safety D
Depth: Safety D
Seokwon Kang
Republic of Korea
Pool: Safety D
Depth: Safety D
Ting-Da Yang
Chinese Taipei, Taiwan
Pool: Safety D
Depth: Safety D
Dongmoon Shin
Republic of Korea
Pool: Instructor
Depth: Instructor
Hyun Woo Lee
Republic of Korea
Pool: Instructor
Depth: Instructor
Juho Lee
Republic of Korea
Pool: Instructor
Depth: Instructor
Sangwoo Kim
Republic of Korea
Pool: Instructor
Depth: Instructor
Seongjun Kang
Republic of Korea
Pool: Instructor
Depth: Advanced specialisation
Zih-Jing Lin
Chinese Taipei, Taiwan
Pool: Instructor
Depth: Instructor
Ahn Mihwa
Republic of Korea
Pool: No
Depth: Safety D